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MRI - a great technique to learn and teach your children

I heard this thinking technique yesterday and had to share, because it's already improving my quality of life and decision making. It's the practical step on from Hanlon's law, which I've been applying for a few years now.

Hanlon's law says to 'never attribute to malice what can be explained by carelessness or stupidity'. Someone didn't reply to your email, they're probably too busy, not choosing to ignore you. Got a short reply from someone, which you think is rude? Maybe they were on a rushed school run and didn't want you to feel ignored.

The thinking technique is MRI - Most Respectful Interpretation. In the last 24 hours I've found asking 'What's the MRI here?' has made a difference. Last night, my eldest was having a meltdown. I'd said he could play a game, but had to latter say no because of his behaviour.

My son has Asperger’s, so when he had his meltdown, I applied the MRI. I realised he being sad at not playing was part of it, but also he was upset because things had changed unexpectedly. Something people on the autistic spectrum find hard. The MRI helped me respond with love and care, not anger and frustration. If you want to read more, Farnam Street has a great article on it.