We see more of other people's lives than ever before. Comparisons are very dangerous though, especially if they lead you to exert more control in your parenting.
Another reason to read to your kids
Researchers are using stories to educate AI. Who knew?
The parental power to predict the future
Being a parent gives you the power to predict the future, but how many of us use that power to make the future the way we want it?
Are your expectations the biggest source of stress in your family?
Expectations bugger things up if they're set wrong. This will help you think about how to set them right.
The Power of Perspective
Changing perspective means changing how you see things. When you do that you realise new things. Do you know what how your kids see you? If you don't, the answer might scare you (it did me).
What I've learnt interviewing Dads
A podcast I did about what I've learnt a few years into BeingDads.
How do you Provide for your family?
Do you know how you provide for your family? If the answer is mostly about money you really need a rethink.
What it means to be a man
A timeless talk that you've got to watch if you want to improve the quality of your thinking about what it means to be a man.