The simplest thing you can do to change your work culture.
When you don't have much time, here's how you can quickly create a strong connection with your kids
How to create a real connection with your children in just a few minutes.
The tough choices of being a rainy day parent
It’s worth challenging accepted wisdom.
Are your comparisons serving you well?
A question, explored and explained that will help you be a better dad.
How being a parent appears to harm your productivity, when it's actually doing the opposite
What being a parent teaches you about being productive at work.
How do you celebrate your children?
A question, explored and explained that will help you be a better dad.
Don't read to them, read with them.
Reading with children is different to reading to them.
We learn to love people from the outside in. With our children, it’s the other way around.
How we love our children is different. Here’s how.
Unwittingly slipping into a dull weekday routine
Don’t do what I did and slip into a dull weekday routine.
It's later than you think
How long have you got left with them? Are you making the most of it?
The most important theory you've never heard of as a parent
When you understand this, it will make it easier for you to be a better parent.
Don’t be a real man, be a better man
We all hold an idea of what it means to be a man in our heads, but we haven’t chosen this idea. It’s been forced on us. Here’s how to hack that idea so you can be a better man and of course, dad.
Time to kill off work-life balance
Work-life balance should be killed. The way it’s phrased sets you up to fail right from the start. Here’s a better idea.
31 Questions to help you be a better dad
Download 31 questions to make you a better dad.
Being a dad. What this gig is really about.
If being a dad could be condensed down into a few hundred words.
Practical things to be a more patient dad
Some of the best things I’ve learnt to apply to be a more patient dad.
A short guide to being a bad dad
How to be a bad dad
Equality isn’t fairness. We’ve got it wrong at work, can we get it right at home so our children have fairer workplaces?
If ‘but it’s not fair’ winds you up, read this because a little bit of understanding can make things a lot better.
MRI - a great technique to learn and teach your children
A simple technique that will make your life, and your children’s better.
The pace of your life is different to theirs. Not recognising this makes your and their lives harder
We need to think about the different speeds our lives move at.